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Pyridoxine B6

Pantothenic Acid

Vitamin K

Cobalamin B12

Vitamin D

Riboflavin B2


Vitamin E

Niacin B3

Thiamin B1

Vitamin C

Vitamin A


involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins as part of coenzyme A. Deficiency is rare but results in generalized body system failure.

works as a coenzyme to release energy from cells. Deficiency results in cheilosis, glossitis, and dermatitis of the ears, nose, and mouth.

Aids in tissue building and metabolic reactions. Deficiency causes scurvy.

Contributes to vision health, tissue strength and growth, and embryonic development. Deficiency results in vision changes, xerophthalmia, GI disturbances, hyperkeratosis.

required for hemoglobin and amino acid synthesis, new cell synthesis, and prevention of neural tube defects in utero. Deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia, CNS disturbances, neural tube defects in utero.

necessary for folate activation and RBC maturation. Deficiency causes pernicious anemia.

an antioxidant that helps to preserve lung and RBC membranes. Deficiency is rare, but results in anemia and can cause edema and skin lesions in infants.

Assists in blood clotting and bone maintenance. Deficiency results in increased bleeding time. It is an antidote for anticoagulants. Found in carrots, eggs, dark green vegetables.

aids in the metabolism of fats, glucose, and alcohol, and synthesis of steroid hormones, cholesterol, and fatty acids. Deficiency causes pellagra.

A coenzyme in energy metabolism, promotes appetite, assists with muscle actions through its role in nerve functioning. Deficiency results in beriberi.

serves as a coenzyme used in fatty acid synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and the formation of glucose. Deficiency is rare, but results in neurologic findings, hair loss, and scaly red rash.

assists in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and aids in bone mineralization. Deficiency results in bone demineralization, rickets, osteomalacia.

needed for cellular function and synthesis of hemoglobin, neurotransmitter, and niacin. Deficiency causes macrocytic anemia and CNS disturbances.