New Activity
Play Unscramble Words Game
1. 雇用更多人來服務顧客
employ more customers to serve the people
2. 把你嚇死
you to death frighten
3. 用電話和辦公室聯絡
by the phone contact office
4. 促使你起床
to you get up prompt
5. 將討論範圍限定在既定的事實上
the discussion confine the facts to
6. 緊緊地擁抱你
you hug tightly
7. 將手臂伸得很高才拿得到
arm reach it stretch high up to his
8. 將橡皮筋拉長跨過兩個對角
the two stretch band over elastic corners
9. 拒絕了第一家公司的工作機會
corporation's refuse offer the job first
10. 向你承諾
promise you
11. 跟爸媽提到這個旅遊計畫
his the trip to parents mention plan
12. 讓網頁登上Google搜尋排行榜
rank on searches Google websites their
13. 調整顏色
color adjust the
14. 探索這個星球
explore the planet
15. 離不開輪椅
be wheelchair confined to a