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The Amendment that allows a person to remain silent during Police questioning is the ____________________ ____________________ . When the police are questioning someone suspected of committed a crime , they must read the ____________________ Warning to the person . Informing a person of what they are being accused of and allowing them to have a trial are part of ____________________ ____________________ of law . The ____________________ Amendment is the amendment that guarantees that everyone has the right to a speedy trial with a jury and the right to an attorney . A ____________________ is a group of your peers that listens to all evidence presented during a trial and decides if someone is guilty . They must be convinced of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt . A ____________________ is someone who knows something about the crime the person is being accused of . Both the accuser and the accused can call ____________________ . An ____________________ is when a hearing is requested in a higher court because the defendant believes the decision is unfair .