New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A Hidden Treasure

The Boy : This is clue number one . Look ____________________ the table .
The Girl : I've got it . Clue number two is ____________________ the table .
The Boy : : Great . Read clue two .
The Girl : Look ____________________ the bridge . Where is the bridge ?
The Boy : : I can see a bridge over there . Let's go . I've got it . Here's clue number three ____________________ the bridge .
The Girl : Okay . Read clue three .
The Boy : : Look ____________________ two trees .
The Girl : I can see two trees over there . Let's go . Here it is . Clue four is ____________________ the trees .
The Boy : Fantastic . Read clue four .
The Girl : Look ____________________ the log . Look ____________________ the log .
The Boy : Can you see a log ?
The Girl : Yes , over there .
The Boy : Clue five is ____________________ the log .
The Girl : Good . Read it .
The Boy : Look ____________________ the big rock . Look ____________________ the big rock .
The Girl : There's a big rock over there . Let's go .
The Boy : Look at this . It's a treasure box .
The Girl : It's a box of balloons . Hooray . I love balloons .
The Boy : Me too !