New Activity
Play Froggy Jumps
1. A friend showed up at your house uninvited. Usually you would be happy to let them in, but this time you’re busy. What is an assertive way to respond?
"I would like to hang out with you, but I can't right now. Can you come back tomorrow?"
"What are you doing here? Don't you see that I'm busy? You're so annoying!"
"I was doing something important, but I guess you can come in. Maybe I'll have time to do it later."
2. Your friend asks to borrow your favorite game. This will be a big inconvenience for you.
"Umm, yeah. I guess that's fine. Do you want to keep it for a week?"
"Borrow my game?! Do you think of anyone but yourself?!" *Rolls eyes*
"I was planning to use it, so I can't give it to you now, but I can lend it to you next week."
3. You've been asked to complete chores, but you are doing your homework.
"I'm doing my homework right now. Can I do my chores in five minutes?"
"I hate you! Are chores all you care about?
"Why do I have to do it? I'm busy! You do it if you want it done so bad!"
4. Someone you care about has broken something that you own.
"Now look what you did! My day is ruined! It's all your fault!"
"I'm sad. But I know you didn't mean to break it. Mistakes happen. Let's find a solution together."
You notice the broken item. You are very upset. But you never say anything about it.
5. You have been assigned a project at school with someone you don't like.
"THEM? Really?! You couldn't put me with ANYBODY ELSE?"
Roll your eyes, shake your head, and cross your arms. You ignore your teacher and partner
Go to your teacher after class. "I don't work very well with [name]. Can I have another partner?"