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____________________ can be defined as the interface between ____________________ and ____________________ providing facilities and services to commercial ships and their cargo , as well as the associated multimodal distribution and logistics activities .

____________________ can be defined as one or more ____________________ for a limited purpose or limited to one or few users .

Port ____________________ may be defined as the process of organizing ,
monitoring , and controlling the activities of a seaport in a precarious global industry , in order to accomplish corporate goals , which are in line with its regional and national interests .

The ____________________ of Ports :

1 . The ____________________ generation ports were conceived to transport goods between land and sea and vice versa . A ____________________ or regional hinterland
unrelated to the socioeconomic environment of the territory where it was located .

2 . The ____________________ generation ports begin to be seen as a transportation ____________________ and a center of ____________________ and commercial activity . ____________________ are ____________________ to ships and goods but in its vicinity processing industries are installed . These are called ____________________ ____________________ .

3 . The ____________________ generation ports ____________________ ____________________ functions related to the ____________________ of goods in services , data processing , and use of
____________________ ____________________ , and help to generate added value .

4 . The ____________________ generation ports make a step further and are characterized by a ____________________ ____________________ that connects different port areas and allows ____________________ with other ports . The objectives are to ____________________ and ____________________ their activity . These are called ____________________ ports .