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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
They should try to bring more homes to the area as soon as they can ? single people , young families , it ? s very ____________________ for them to find the right type of accommodation , so I think the flats idea is the best solution . Besides , if they build new flats , it might help other ____________________ in the area .
Well , if you ask me , after they finish demolishing the old ____________________ ____________________ , they should wait for a few months to give people a chance to think about the best way forward . Personally , I think the ____________________ scheme is the best one for the area . Unemployment is quite high around here and if they build a new hotel on the site , there will definitely be ____________________ ____________________ for local people .
Well , I ? m not sure , really I ? m not . I hope they ? ll ask ____________________ ____________________ what they want before they make a decision , because we ? ll have to live with it , after all . The area will ____________________ completely if they put a new ____________________ ____________________ . We have plenty of small shops around here , and a shopping centre will make things very difficult for local businesses .
If they decide to put a cinema here , it ? s going to create very serious ____________________ problems . There aren ? t enough parking spaces for local people as it is . All this ? I ? ll be glad when the work is over ! The noise is going to be ____________________ !