New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Flight 450 to Tokyo isn't departing today . It's ____________________ .
2 . The train is ____________________ until 7 : 30 so I'll be fifteen minutes late .
3 . We ____________________ at 10 : 00 and arrive at 12 : 30 .
4 . Does the train ____________________ at York ?
5 . Please ____________________ at Victoria Station for an airport train .
6 . You need thirty minutes to go through ____________________ .
7 . When you ____________________ at the airport , go through passport control .
8 . Sorry I'm ____________________ ! There were no taxis .
9 . The 6 : 30 train for Prague leaves from ____________________ 10 .
10 . Passenger on flight EZ345 please go to ____________________ 2 8