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Compare and contrast the somatic nervous system ( ____________________ ) and the autonomic nervous system ( ____________________ ) . the SMNS controls skeletal muscle and the ANS controls smooth muscle , cardiac muscle , and glands . SMNS is for ____________________ control and ____________________ control of ____________________ muscle , ANS is ____________________ regulation . The SMNS the soma of neurons are in the ____________________ ____________________ of the spinal cord , while the ANS there are two neuron cell bodies . One of them is originating in the ____________________ horn of the spinal cord . The second is found in the ____________________ ____________________ . In the SMNS there is ____________________ synapse found between the somatic motor neuron and the skeletal muscle using the ____________________ ACH . In the ANS there are ____________________ synapses . The first is in the autonomic ____________________ with ____________________ fiber that releases ACH . The second synapse is found at the target tissue where the postganglionic neurons release wither ACH or ____________________ . SMNS axons are ____________________ , ANS axons have ____________________ fibers that are ____________________ and ____________________ fibers are ____________________ . SMNS has receptors for acetylcholine that are ____________________ , ANS has ACH receptors in the autonomic ganglion that are also nicotinic and receptors on the target tissue are either ____________________ or norepinephrine receptors that are ____________________ or ____________________ adrenergic