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The Truth about Stereotypes
Stereotypes are ____________________ about people that are usually not valid . They do have a function , though : they provide a quick and easy ____________________ of a group of people we are not familiar with to help us ____________________ them . It ? s something we all do to a certain extent . Take ____________________ stereotypes for example . What comes to mind when you think of UK ____________________ ? Is it the image of a tea - drinking , dress - or suit - wearing couple being endlessly ____________________ with each other in a centuries - old mansion ? Well , sorry to burst your bubble , but that owes more to the TV ____________________ Downton Abbey than real ____________________ in the UK .
So , what else do you think you know about the ____________________ of the UK ? They have a reputation for peaceably ____________________ , don't they ? Well , that ? s the popular stereotype . The truth is somewhat different . Queue etiquette works best when there is someone to regulate it in ____________________ like banks , shops or supermarkets . When there is looser regulation , such as waiting for a bus in the pouring rain , then the English queue becomes a lot more ____________________ and then it ? s goodbye to the ____________________ .
We mustn ? t forget that the United Kingdom actually consists of four countries : ____________________ , Wales , Scotland and Northern ____________________ . Apart from the fact that they aren ? t even all together on one island , these four nations have vastly differing ____________________ , landscapes and even languages . Even in regional cities , there are huge differences between the locals . Manchester is one of the most ____________________ cities in the UK . Surveys show that there are about 200 ____________________ spoken in this Northern English ____________________ . How can residents of Manchester conform to any stereotype with this ____________________ of nationalities ?