New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
- He ____________________ sleep all day when he was a baby , but now he ____________________ ? t

- Now , she ____________________ speak many languages , but when she was a girl , she ____________________ ? t

- I am older now and I ____________________ swim , but when I was a boy , I ____________________ ? t swim

- When she was young , she ____________________ ? t write in English , but now she ____________________

- I ? m sorry , I ____________________ ? t email you yesterday . I was ill so I ____________________ ? t go to school .

- He ____________________ ? t use the phone when he was at school , but now he ____________________ use it .

- I ____________________ ? t count to 100 when I was a child , but I ____________________ do it now .

- They ____________________ read now , but they ____________________ ? t when they were four .

- Now , I have to go to school every day , so I ____________________ ? t play all day anymore .