New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . - I ? d like to have a ____________________ ____________________ job because this one doesn ? t stretch me very much .
2 . - Rents are so high that my company is moving its offices out of the city to somewhere ____________________ ____________________ . Unfortunately , I ? ll have to travel ____________________ to get there .
3 . - I got the job because I was ____________________ ____________________ qualified than the other candidates .
4 . - If they give me promotion . I ? ll have to work ____________________ hours and have ____________________ responsibility .
5 . - I ? d have stayed in the job if my colleagues had been ____________________
6 . - Martin is undoubtedly ____________________ ____________________ candidate because he has a much ____________________ ____________________ track record .
7 . - I really like my new job ; the ____________________ ____________________ aspects is the opportunity to take my own decisions ? something I couldn ? t do in my previous post .
8 . - There are still many places in the world where women earn ____________________ ____________________ men for the same work and where they have to work ____________________ to get promotion .