New Activity
Play Unscramble Words Game
1. The is a ball. cat playing with
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a playing with The is ball cat.
2. swimming in the pool. the dog
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The the pool swimming dog in is.
3. coffe are breakfast having at the shop The Smiths.
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the Smiths shop coffee at The breakfast are having.
4. playing soccer Kelly ball. is
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a is with ball playing Kelly soccer.
5. a book. Dina reading is
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reading a Dina book is.
6. tennis. Ted and Ned playing are
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are playing tennis and Ted Ned.
7. her dog are on a bench. Mrs. Brown and sitting
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bench. and Mrs on are dog her a Brown sitting.
8. the lake. swimming Ron is in
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the Ron lake is swimming in.
9. home. Kim going is
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going Kim home is.
10. on the park is Sarah running.
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running park the Sarah is on.