New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Mr and Mrs Smith ____________________ loved cooking . Mr Smith also wanted a ____________________ job in his company . They decided it was time for a ____________________ party . Mr Smith phoned his
new ____________________ Mr Plummer and invited him and his wife to dinner on Friday night .
On Friday afternoon , Mr and Mrs Smith spent a long time cooking a ____________________
dinner . They ____________________ fresh salmon , filled with prawns and chilli .
They ____________________ the table with silver ____________________ and bottles of wine . Then , they got
ready . Mrs Smith put on a black ____________________ dress and Mr Smith wore his best ____________________ .
Everything was ____________________ .
The Plummers arrived on ____________________ at eight o'clock . " Let's have a drink ! " said Mr
Smith . They all went into the ____________________ room . Then they saw the table and they
were ____________________ . The main plate was ____________________ . The ____________________ had gone ! Mrs Smith
burst into ____________________ . " Don't worry , love ! We can still have fish ! " and Mr Smith
____________________ out of the house .
He ran to the Fish and ____________________ shop down the road and bought four ____________________ of fish and chips . The great British ____________________ ! And they all had a ____________________ evening . So did their ____________________ cat . . .