New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 ) Yesterday , I read a think book by Stephen King which was a ____________________ last year .

2 ) My friend was ____________________ to meet me at the station this morning .

3 ) The sky was covered with clouds and the sun was obscured . Well , it was ____________________ all day long .

4 ) Do your classmates live in the ____________________ ? - Some of them do , the others are from another town .

5 ) My mother thinks horror films ____________________ me badly , so she doesn't let me watch them at night .

6 ) Last month , I ____________________ to dive from a high cliff !

7 ) I don't think it's a good idea to drive to Moscow in such ____________________ weather ! Look ! Lightning is striking ! I'm scared !

8 ) What did they report in the weather ____________________ yesterday ? - Oh , I never trust them , to be honest .

9 ) The atmosphere at the stadium was quite ____________________ because it was so noisy !

10 ) You know , what I dislike about ____________________ weather is that when you're walking past a road with cars , someone can splash you with mud . : (