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Always follow through. Never drop the ball.

Always say what we CAN do. Never say "no."

Always make it easy. Never create obstacles.

Always go Above and Beyond. Never be status quo.

Always be a shepherd. Never say "not my job."

Always seek to understand. Never make assumptions.

Always deliver compassion. Never show frustration.

“I’m going to make sure to have someone call you tomorrow since I won't be here. I’ll confirm by 6pm. Don’t worry; I won’t forget!”

“The person dedicated to that task is the best for the job, but I happen to know how to help, so let me take care of that for you.”

“This patient has been 30 minutes late for her last three appointments. Who knows what she has going on at home though; let’s just show her we care today.”

“Can you please explain why that workflow doesn’t work for you so that we can find a compromise? I would hate to assume anything..."

“You need a refill today? I would be happy to fill that medication for you tomorrow morning after my first patient.”

“Instead of starting a long and confusing email chain, I’m going to schedule a quick meeting to easily determine a solution together.”

“We have a patient coming in today who lost his father. Let’s all sign a sympathy card to give him.”