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1 the cutting down of trees such that the land is no longer used to plant new trees or plants
2 Depleted soil is loose and when it gets too dry, it is easily picked up by strong winds causing serious _____________.
3 When there are no roots from trees to hold the soil firmly together, it becomes loose and the __________ from the soil gets washed away with the rain. New plants will not grow well on the depleted soil.
4 helps the bird fly, keeps it warm, also help some birds float on water
5 tiny openings found on the underside of leaves, needed in the exchange of gases during respiration and photosynthesis
6 Soil _________ occurs naturally but human activities such as cutting down trees, worsens it.
7 ____________ pollution can occur when pesticides or fertilizers from the soil is washed into the water bodies.
8 ____________ water can suffocated aquatic animals and also prevent sunlight from reaching submerged plants, Without sunlight, the plants cannot conduct photosynthesis.
9 usually comes with sharp talons, adapted to a bird\'s diet and habitat
10 comes in various shapes and sizes, adapted to a bird\'s diet