New Activity
Play Matching Pairs


Good communication





save face (idiom)


to make (a food or drink) by mixing different things together. 2 : to invent or develop (a plan, story, etc.) especially in order to trick or deceive someone

useless emotion/burden

not paying carefull attention

adjusting one's style of speech, appearance, behavior, and expression in ways that will optimize the comfort of the others in exchange for fair treatment, quality service, and employment opportunities

very large in amount or number

a thing of little value or importance

1) preparation (on purpose): continual research. Building an account from which to draw. 2) fascination: it ticks, fascinated people want to know what makes it tick. Turn frustration into fascination. 3) sensitivity: being touched, being moved by the activities of others as well as those of ourselves. 4) knowledge: gather knowledge (journal)

to avoid having other people lose respect for oneself.