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Conceptual age aka ____________________ age considers ____________________ is first day of pregnancy .
____________________ age aka menstrual age considers ____________________ day of last menstrual period is beginning of gestation .
Gestational age aka menstrual age considers ____________________ day of last menstrual period is beginning of gestation .
____________________ is the conceptus 12 days after conception , during implantation process
____________________ is the conceptus from time of implantation until end of 10th week menstrual age
____________________ is the conceptus after first 10 week s
During 28 - day menstrual cycle , a mature ovum typically released on day ____________________ this is called ____________________ . The follicle that released it forms the ____________________ ____________________ and begins secreting ____________________ .
____________________ occurs within the distal fallopian tube ( ____________________ ) 1 to 2 days after ovulation . Fertilized conceptus is now called a ____________________ which includes an egg nucleus , sperm nucleus , and a membrane surrounding it called the ____________________ ____________________ .
The zygote undergoes rapid cellular division to form 16 - cell ____________________ this dividing is called ____________________ .
Further cell proliferation brings morula to ____________________ stage and it typically enters uterus 4 to 5 days after fertilization containing ____________________ + cells The cells are not just copies of the originals , they have now ____________________ into new cells that will form into new human parts .
The ? inner cell mass ? forms the ____________________ while the outer ____________________ cells along the perimeter will become the ____________________ and secrete ____________________
hCG causes uterine endometrium to convert to ____________________ , a glycogen rich mucosa that nourishes early pregnancy .
Implantation into uterine decidua completed within ____________________ days after fertilization
During implantation , ____________________ produced by trophoblasts ? eat into ? decidual tissue .
This creates spaces for trophoblastic cell ____________________ .
At end of implantation process , zygote has buried itself within one ____________________ of uterus .
Implantation bleeding - when this process results in light vaginal bleeding about same time as expected menstrual period .
Within the implanted conceptus , the inner cell mass matures into the embryonic disc ( future embryo ) and primary yolk sac .
At approximately ____________________ days menstrual age , ____________________ yolk sac is pinched off by extra
embryonic ____________________ , forming the secondary yolk sac .
____________________ yolk sac is the yolk sac seen sonographically throughout first trimester .
____________________ Phase is between weeks 4 and 10
____________________ system undergoes rapid development , with initial ____________________ occurring between 5½ and 6 weeks .
Embryo appearance changes from ____________________ , disk - like configuration to ____________________ - shaped structure and develops a recognizable ____________________ appearance
During this period , crown - rump length ( CRL ) develops rapidly , measuring ____________________ mm by end of ____________________ week .
Weeks 11 and 12 constitute the beginning of this ____________________ period when there is continued growth of ____________________ and structures formed during embryonic period .
The fetal head is disproportionately ____________________ than rest of fetus ( the same size as the body ) , constituting one ____________________ of CRL .
____________________ hCG : urine results are positive or negative
Quantitative hCG : provides specific levels of hCG in blood . Provide a specific number
value .
Normal gestational sac is expected to be seen when hCG level is ____________________ mIU / ml or greater .
With Down ? s Syndrome hCG levels plateau ____________________ and fall more ____________________
Greater than expected hCG levels seen with ____________________ dates ( further along than expected ) , Gestational ____________________ disease & ____________________ gestations
Lower than expected levels of hCG associated with ____________________ dates ( not as far along as expected ) , ____________________ pregnancy , ____________________ demise / abnormal IUP / impending miscarriage .
Gestational Sac aka ____________________ sac is the first visual evidence of IUP during week ____________________ .
It appears as 1 - to 2 - mm sac with ____________________ ring having sonolucent center which represents the ____________________ cavity .
Circumferential echogenic rim seen surrounding gestational sac represents ____________________ tissue and associated ____________________ reaction
Echogenic ring around gestational sac divided into
o Decidua ____________________ - Portion on ____________________ or burrowing side of conceptus .
o Decidua ____________________ - Villi covering developing ____________________ .
The double decidual sac sign is the interface between decidua ____________________ and decidua ____________________ .
Normal gestational sac features
o ____________________ placed in relation to endometrial cavity , secondary to its implantation
o ____________________ location noted
o Round or slightly oval in shape
o ____________________ contours
o Decidual wall thickness ____________________ mm
? Gestational sac grows at predictable rate of ____________________ mm / day in early pregnanc y
____________________ Sac should be seen when mean sac diameter is ____________________ mm .
Routinely visualized between ____________________ and ____________________ weeks of gestation
o Provide ____________________ to developing embryo
o ____________________ : Formation of blood
o Development of embryonic ____________________
At approximately ____________________ weeks gestation , with amniotic cavity expansion , the yolk sac ,
which lies between ____________________ and ____________________ membranes , detaches from yolk ____________________ .
? Visualization of yolk sac predicts viable pregnancy in ____________________ of cases .
? Failure to visualize yolk sac , with minimum of ____________________ - mm MSD , using transvaginal
sonography , is suspicious for abnormal pregnancy .
o Transabdominal studies have shown that yolk sac should be seen within mean
sac diameters of ____________________ to ____________________ mm and should always be visualized with mean sac
diameter of 20 mm .
? Normal diameter should not exceed ____________________ mm measured from inner edge to inner edge
? Typically , yolk sac resorbs and is no longer seen sonographically by ____________________ weeks .