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interpersonal skills

#MeToo movement

information workers

emotional intelligence


Platinum Rule

Golden Rule

soft skills

knowledge workers

Employees who produce and consume information in the workplace

A combination of communication, logical reasoning, critical thinking, teamwork, and time management skills

“Treat others the way you wish to be treated.”

“Treat others as they wish to be treated.”

The conventional standards of right and wrong that prescribe what people should do

Employees who get paid for their education and their ability to learn

the ability to understand and manage our own emotions as well as the ability to understand and influence the emotions and behavior of others.

A global social movement sparked by allegations of sexual abuse against film mogul Harvey Weinstein that has led to scrutiny of powerful men who engage in inappropriate and unwanted sexual behaviors, especially in the workplace

Powerful interpersonal skills that are anything but “soft,” also called people skills or emotional intelligence