New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ is when your lips take a certain shape to create a sound .
You should blow your air ____________________ the tone hole to create the sound .
Never think about your air as going ____________________ the tone hole .
The ____________________ hole is the hole that you will blow your air into on the head joint .
Before you can play your flute , you should start on just the ____________________ joint .
Before you can play the flute , you need to take the head joint out of the ____________________ .
You must use ____________________ to produce the sound .
If you have the option , the sound on your head joint should make the pitch ____________________ , which you can play with a drone on the computer or you can play this note on piano .
You should aim the air ____________________ the tone hole , not across .
You can practice changing the ____________________ of the your air on your hand to more effectively be able to aim the air downwards when practicing on the head joint .