New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Gross motor 2 months

Cognition 4 months

Gross motor 6 months

Gross motor 9 months

Speech 12 months

Speech 4 months

Cognition 2 months

Cognition 6 months

Speech 9 months

Cognition 12 months

Cognition 9 months

gross motor 12 months

Gross motor 4 months

Speech 2 months

-responds to name -recognizes own face in mirror -can place shapes in properly shaped hole

-pulls to stand or CCC begins -creeps -cruising -crawling

-lacks head control -begins to lift head but not steady

-babbles -(hard consonant sounds)

-understands word "no" -has goal directed movement

-says mama, dada, short words, but no meaning

-coos -cries when upset -pleasure/enjoyment sounds when eating

-cries are different r/t needs

-says 2 or more words -mama & dada with meaning

-stands w/o support -postural control improves -first steps alone -throws a ball crudely

Sits up by self, using hands Rolls side to side Transfers objects from one hand to another

-thinks mom & self are same -associates sucking activity w/pleasure

-can follow 1-step commands -recognizes their caregiver

-sits only with support -rolls stomach to back -begins to reach/bat hands at objects