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Creating networks of support

Sharing power and decision making

Recognizing and respecting one another's knowledge and expertise

Acknowledging and respecting diversity

Sharing information through two-way communication

In your classroom, you use Remind, an app that allows you to send important updates and information to your parents. Parents can also contact you with questions or concerns through this Remind App.

At the parent-teacher conference you take the time to share with parents the skills they contribute, and parents often seek your advice on how to support their children's learning at home.

The teacher and parents jointly decide on pick-up times, food and napping routines, school-home communication systems.

At the back to school night, the school invites community organizations to host tables with information about after school programs, tutoring opportunities, and other family resources.

You are planning "Donuts with Dad" as a family involvement activity in your classroom. After learning more about your students, you realize one of your students is being raised by their grandmother. You change your annual "Donuts with Dad" to "Lunch with Loved Ones". This way you respect the family structure of all your students.