New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Though Mitchell prefers watching ____________________ ____________________ , he ____________________ the ____________________ spy thriller , and ____________________ enjoyed ____________________ very much .
____________________ finished ____________________ report for work , ____________________ he ____________________ needs to fill out the accompanying ____________________ even though ____________________ should ____________________ had it ____________________ last quarter .
____________________ waiting for the ____________________ , Angela ____________________ ____________________ on her phone , ____________________ Lizzy ____________________ a book .
____________________ all this ____________________ , I still ____________________ fathom ____________________ he had ____________________ make such a big deal of it , ____________________ I ____________________ he had his reasons .
____________________ Jessica likes rom - coms , ____________________ likes thrillers , ____________________ Ellie only ____________________ ____________________ .