New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Our ____________________ who ____________________ in ____________________ ,
hallowed be thy name .
Thy ____________________ come .
Thy ____________________ be ____________________
on ____________________ as it is in ____________________ .
Give us this ____________________ our ____________________ ____________________ ,
and ____________________ us our ____________________ ,
as we ____________________ those who ____________________ ____________________ us ,
and ____________________ us not into ____________________ ,
but ____________________ us from ____________________ .
____________________ .
Hail ____________________ , full of ____________________ .
____________________ ____________________ is with you .
____________________ are you among ____________________ ,
and ____________________ is the ____________________ of your ____________________ ,
____________________ .
____________________ Mary , Mother of ____________________ ,
pray for us ____________________ ,
____________________ and at the ____________________ of our ____________________ .
Amen .
I ____________________ in ____________________ ,
the ____________________ Almighty ,
Creator of ____________________ and ____________________ ,
and in ____________________ ____________________ , His only ____________________ , our ____________________ ,
who was ____________________ by the ____________________ ____________________ ,
born of the ____________________ ____________________ ,
suffered under ____________________ ____________________ ,
was ____________________ , ____________________ and was ____________________ ;
He ____________________ into hell ;
on the ____________________ day He rose ____________________ from the ____________________ ;
He ____________________ into ____________________ ,
and is seated at the right ____________________ of God the ____________________ ____________________ ;
from there He will ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ and the ____________________ .
I believe in the ____________________ ____________________ ,
the ____________________ Catholic Church ,
the communion of ____________________ ,
the forgiveness of ____________________ ,
the ____________________ of the ____________________ ,
and life ____________________ .