New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
The ____________________ has all power ( Political , ____________________ , Legislative and Religious ) .

____________________ was divided into provinces ( ____________________ ) wich had to pay ____________________ .
PAX ____________________ ( 1st and ____________________ Century A . ____________________ . ) : Was a period of Peace .

The ____________________ was a process in which the conquered cities adopted ____________________ culture .
CRISIS ( ____________________ Century ____________________ . D . ) : This was a period of ____________________ due to :

____________________ . Increased of Civil ____________________
2 . Attacks of ____________________ Tribes .
3 . End of the conquest reduced wealth and ____________________ , so ____________________ were increase .
4 . ____________________ of cities .
Theodosius ( ____________________ A . D . ) divided the Empire into :

Western Roman Empire ( W . R . ____________________ . ) , which the capital was ____________________ . This Empire fell in ____________________ A . D .

Eastern Roman Empire ( E . ____________________ . E . ) , which the was ____________________ . This empire fell in ____________________ .