New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Positive Numbers: Numbers that are greater than 0. They are located to the right of 0 on a horizontal number line and above 0 on a vertical number line.

Rational Number: A number that can be expressed as the fraction a/b or the opposite of a/b where a and b are whole numbers and b ≠ 0. Rational numbers can also be expressed as a decimal.

Relative to



Inequality: A mathematical statement that uses an symbol (, ≤, ≥) to show the relationship between values of expressions.


Negative Numbers: Numbers that are less than 0. They are located to the left of 0 on a horizontal number line and below 0 on a vertical number line.

To explain the meaning of something.

To describe the relationship between the value or size of two numbers or quantities.

Compared to something or someone else.

Less or smaller in value.