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The muscles you use for speech are weak and you have difficulty controlling them. Your speech may be slow or slurred and difficult to understand.

Inability to recognize and identify objects or persons using one or more of the senses. Your senses, such as vision or hearing, work fine, but your brain can’t process the information.

You are able to speak well and in in long sentences, but the words you use may not make sense. You may or may not know what you are saying is wrong and get frustrated when people do not understand you. You may call a toothbrush a "pickle".

Difficulty in moving muscles of mouth & tongue to produce speech. Speaking takes much effort and you may leave out connecting words like and and the. You can understand what is spoken to you though.

Poor muscle control that causes clumsy voluntary movements. You may have difficulty with walking and balance, and hand/arm coordination. You may walk with a wide-based gait.

When holding both arms extended straight forward, with you palms up, and your eyes closed, after 4 seconds your right arm involuntarily drifts down and the fingers of your right hand flex slightly.

Swallowing is difficult. It takes more time and effort to move food and especially thin liquids from your mouth to your stomach.

Your eyes involuntarily move rapidly and uncontrollably in a rhythmic fashion when. The movement can vary between slow and fast and usually happens in both eyes. The movements may be side-to-side, up & down, or in a circular pattern.

Loss of ability to execute or carry out familiar (learned) movement and gestures, despite having the physical ability and desire to perform them.

Uncontrolled, involuntary muscle movements of face and/or limbs ranging from shakes, tics, and tremors to chorea.

You have... Agnosia!

You have... Ataxia

You have... Expressive (Broca's) Aphasia!

You have... A Pronator Drift!

You have.... Dysarthria!

You have.... Dysphagia!

You have... Nystagmus!

You have... Apraxia!

You have... Dyskinesia!

You have..... Receptive (Wernicke's) (Fluent) Aphasia!