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Alexander the Great


King Darius







King Phillip II of Macedonia



A playwright who wrote classic Greek tragedies that are still read today

The third of the big 3 Greek philosophers who taught Alexander the Great

Persian leader who continued attempting to expand borders and conquer Greece during the Persian Wars

The first of the big 3 Greek philosophers who taught by asking questions

The second of the big 3 Greek philosophers who wrote dialogues between his teacher and other wise men

Writer of epics (long poems) including The Iliad and The Odyssey

Son of Philip II and student of Aristotle; conquered Persia, Egypt, the Middle East and Northern India and created Hellenistic culture

Persian leader who started the Persian War by conquering the Greek city-state Ionia and punishing Athens for their attempt to help Ionia resist conquest

Athenian leader who brought about the Golden Age

The Olympics started as a religious festival to honor this king of gods

Mathematician who advanced a method of measuring circumference

Alexander the Great's father who conquered the Greek city states