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My printer suddenly broke down.

We should look into the matter and decide.

Samsung 10 broke into the market last year.

After starting a trade war, President Trump broke off commercial relations with China.

Someone broke into the house by night.

Please, look out when you are crossing the street!

Who will look after your plants while you are away on vacation?

He lost his job and then broke up with his wife.

He looked back on his time as President with great pride.

After the economic crisis, several rebellions broke out.

To stop functioning

Start suddenly (a war, illnesses, etc.)

To examine carefully

To end diplomatic relations

To watch what is happening and be careful

To take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything they need.

To start being successful in the market or a career.

To think about something that happened in the past

To end a relationship

To enter by force