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1 I believe transparency is important when overseeing organizational changes. It allows for continued trust between employees and management and helps employees understand the purpose of sudden changes in budgeting or work activities
2 I am eager to apply my customer service skills and assist customers with troubleshooting technical issues
3 In my previous job as an HR generalist, I worked hard to create innovative onboarding procedures that significantly enhanced the hiring process
4 I'm extremely passionate about public health. I specifically love to complete research on local health trends and develop programs to increase healthy living habits
5 I would describe myself as a loyal individual who goes above and beyond to help others in the workplace
6 I am a very consistent employee and others can always count on me to hit my quotas and produce quality work
7 One of my best strengths is that I have an optimistic mindset. It enables me to persevere through challenging projects and help others see things positively
8 I always get excited when faced with a new project or challenge to overcome because I know I have the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and expand my skill sets
9 I am committed to providing superb customer service in my role as a customer service representative
10 I always hold myself accountable to ensure that I meet deadlines and own up to my mistakes.
11 I like to make myself accessible to new employees to help them feel welcomed and supported. I do this by sending them a welcome email, stopping by their desk and keeping my office door open for any questions they may have
12 I think it's important to be open-minded to new ideas and opinions because your ability to take on new challenges or roles influences your ability to evolve with your company to accommodate its goals
13 I believe that one of my most marketable qualities is trustworthiness. I always respect the privacy of others and I understand how important it is to refrain from speaking about confidential business information