New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Ulnar nerve

Flexor tendons


Radial artery

Carpal Bones

Median nerve

Extensor tendons


Bones of the wrist

Artery that supplies blood to the hand

Nerve that supplies sensation to the little finger

Nerve that supplies sensation to the thumb and fingers

Tendons that flex the fingers

Bones of the fingers

Tendons that extend the fingers

Bones of the hand

Median nerve

Carpal Bones



Radial artery

Ulnar nerve

Extensor tendons

Flexor tendons

Bones of the hand

Tendons that extend the fingers

Nerve that supplies sensation to the thumb and fingers

Nerve that supplies sensation to the little finger

Bones of the wrist

Artery that supplies blood to the hand

Tendons that flex the fingers

Bones of the fingers

Carpal Bones


Ulnar nerve

Flexor tendons

Extensor tendons


Median nerve

Radial artery

Nerve that supplies sensation to the little finger

Nerve that supplies sensation to the thumb and fingers

Bones of the hand

Bones of the fingers

Tendons that flex the fingers

Artery that supplies blood to the hand

Tendons that extend the fingers

Bones of the wrist