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Play Crossword Puzzle
1 A tactic used to manipulate, influence, or deceive a victim into revealing sensitive information or performing ill-advised actions. (two words, no space).
2 Use this for outbound/external email messaging to transform your data into an unreadable format using complex algorithms.
3 A social engineering tactic using phone calls to trick individuals into revealing personal information.
4 Immediately report suspicious emails to the Security Operations Center (SOC) using the ___________ button in Outlook. (two words)
5 An attack that blocks access to your computer or files.
6 A technique in which an attacker sends a fraudulent email, claiming to be from a reputable and trusted source to trick recipient into revealing financial information, credentials, or other sensitive information.
7 Avoid using reusing ________ across different online sites. If one of these gets breached, cybercriminals can use it to access all of the accounts associated with it.
8 A targeted email attack directed at a specific individual. The email appears to come from someone you’ve contacted before and have no reason to distrust the sender. (two words, no space)
9 A social engineering tactic using a compelling text message to trick targeted recipients into clicking a link and sending the attacker private information or downloading malicious programs.
10 You must protect this proof of identity that includes personal information to access the Travelport network. Travelport, including the IT help desk, will never ask you for this.