New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved_____

Wives weren’t created to be a slave but to be a _____ _______

If you’re too young to be ______ you’re too young to be in a relationship.


All things are permissible, not all things are ______

What is oxytocin?

In simple terms, what is marriage?


As a student, it’s important to know Gods word

Bury it


We should tithe and bring offerings

Why many women reject the phrase, ‘submissive wife’

From the whole Church, whose family does Satan attack most?

This relationship should lead to marriage.

Examples of how tithes and offerings help the Church.

Besides the person I am setting a standard for as a partner, who else should my standard apply to?

Your career should help advance

To give God a portion of what he's given us and out of gratitude

The Church


The kingdom of God


Hormone released by brain after sexual intimacy. Bonding hormone

Within our homes, Satan tries to ____.

Most teachers/professors are non-nelievers or don’t live according to Gods word.

Society looks down on women being ruled, or they feel inferior


Missionaries, evangelists, activities, bills

Suitable helper

First thing that must be done with a seed for it to grow.

Unity of two people. Commitment and partnership


Before our money, abilities, degrees, or successes, we must first trust in _____.


But seek first the kingdom of God and his ______.