New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
18 Now ____________________ ? s ____________________ and the ____________________ were ____________________ . Some people came and asked ____________________ , ? How is it that ____________________ ? s ____________________ and the ____________________ of the ____________________ are ____________________ , but yours are not ? ?
19 ____________________ answered , ? How can the ____________________ of the ____________________ ____________________ while he is with them ? They ____________________ , so ____________________ as they have him with them .
20 But the ____________________ will ____________________ when the ____________________ will be ____________________ from them , and on that ____________________ they will ____________________ .
21 ? No one ____________________ a ____________________ of ____________________ ____________________ on an ____________________ garment . Otherwise , the new ____________________ will ____________________ ____________________ from the ____________________ , making the ____________________ ____________________ .
22 And no one ____________________ new ____________________ into ____________________ ____________________ . Otherwise , the ____________________ will ____________________ the ____________________ , and both the ____________________ and the ____________________ will be ____________________ . No , they pour ____________________ ____________________ into ____________________ ____________________ . ?