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PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards)

Trust Model


PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

Digital signature

Cryptographic attack/cryptanalysis

CA (Certificate authority)

Certificate Chaining

Certificate Pinning


Certificate Stapling

CRL (Certificate revocation list)

Key Escrow

A set of protocols that facilitate the use of public key infrastructure in data exchange

Public key sender verified to own corresponding private key; provides a mechanism for verifying origin authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation

Associates certificate against known copy

The collection of rules that inform application on how to solve the legitimacy of a Digital Certificate; Direct, 3rd-Party, Hierarchical, Distributed

A file extension for a certificate for public key sharing; Most commonly used on the Tomcat; Does not have private key

Checks regularly for certificate invalidity

A trusted entity that issues Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates

A type of blocklist that includes certificates that should no longer be trusted; verified with web browsers

The set of technology and processes required to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certs and public-keys

Finding weaknesses in the cryptosystem

Top-down CA trust model; Any certificate that is between the device that you're connecting to and the root CA

A file extension used for storing private keys with a certificate; can chain certificates

Third party safeguarding private keys