New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ I was 11 , I had the chance to climb a mountain for the first time . ____________________ we started the climb , I realized that it was going to be harder than I thought . The path was steep and rocky , ____________________ I was determined to reach the top .

Every step I took made my legs ache , ____________________ I kept going ____________________ I wanted to see the view from the top . ____________________ the sun was beating down on us , the wind was cool and refreshing . ____________________ , we took breaks under the shade of trees whenever we could .

____________________ , we came across a stream . The water was cold and clear , ____________________ we filled our water bottles and rested for a while . ____________________ , the climb became even more challenging because the path got steeper .

____________________ I couldn ? t go any further , I saw the peak . It was still far away , ____________________ knowing that we were close gave me a burst of energy . ____________________ , ____________________ my tired legs and the burning sun , I pushed on .

____________________ , ____________________ what felt like forever , we reached the top . The view was breathtaking . We could see for miles around - green fields , a sparkling river , and tiny houses in the distance . ____________________ I realized why people climb mountains . ____________________ the hard climb and the challenges along the way , standing at the top made it all worth it .