New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
When you use ____________________ that you have researched , you ____________________ give ____________________ to where it came from . Whether the information is ____________________ or written in your ____________________ words ; if you do not ____________________ the work , it is ____________________ ( copying someone else's work ) .
Here is a sentence from Bartley's ____________________ that uses summarized information :

Many people are surprised to learn that flying pigs love the desert ( Porcine 34 ) .

Things to notice :

1 . ____________________ is the author of the article / ____________________ .
2 . ____________________ is the page number where the information can be found in the original ____________________ .
3 . The ____________________ / full stop is on the ____________________ of the parenthesis ( ____________________ ) .

This is called a ____________________ . In the bibliography ( ____________________ page ) Bartley will have this reference :

Porcine , Edward . Flying Pigs : The Definitive Guide to the World's Most Interesting Creature , Mythical Animal Press , 2014 .
Fill in the citation for quoted material :

* Remember ( Name Page Number ) .

In cold weather , flocks of flying pigs will huddle together for warmth since they " must regulate body temperature due to a lack of subcutaneous body fat " ( ____________________ ____________________ ) .
What if the information comes from the Internet ?

You ____________________ need to include page numbers for websites . Remember you are trying to ____________________ your reader to the reference in the works cited page .

Use the ____________________ ( or words ) on your works cited page in your parenthetical citation .
Fill in the parenthetical citation for Bartley's research paper :

Reference in work cited page :
" The Way of Flying Pigs . " Absolute Awesome Animals , Pigs International Conservancy , 2013 , www . piginternationalconversationcyinc . org .

Here is a sentence from Bartley's project using the website above :

* Remember to use the first words
* * Remember to use quotation marks

Flying Pigs look scary with their huge wings , but in reality " they would rather run away and hide than confront an enemy " ( " ____________________ " ) .