New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
You're ____________________ the phone with your girlfriend , she's upset . She's going off ____________________ something that you said .
'Cause she doesn't ____________________ your humor like I do .

I'm in the room , it's a typical Tuesday ____________________ . I'm listening to the kind of ____________________ she doesn't like .
And she'll never know ____________________ story like I do .

Walking the streets with you and your ____________________ - out jeans . I can't help thinking this is how it ____________________ to be .
Laughing on a park ____________________ , thinking to myself . Hey , isn't this ____________________ ?

She wears high ____________________ , I wear sneakers . She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the ____________________ .
Dreaming about the day when you wake ____________________ and find that what you're looking for ,
has been here the ____________________ time .

If you could see that I'm the one ____________________ understands you
Been here all ____________________ , so why can't you see ? You ____________________ with me

Standing by and ____________________ at your back door . All this time how could you not know ?
Baby , you belong ____________________ me .