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Computer ____________________ comprises the physical components of a computer system , including the central processing unit ( CPU ) , memory , storage ____________________ , and peripheral devices . These elements work together to execute tasks and enable the ____________________ of the computer .
Computer components refer to the ____________________ parts that make up a computer system . These include the ____________________ , CPU , RAM , hard drive , graphics card , and more . Each component has a specific ____________________ , and their integration is essential for the ____________________ to operate efficiently .
Computer systems vary in size , ____________________ , and capabilities . Personal ____________________ , workstations , servers , and mainframes are examples of different ____________________ of computer systems . Each type serves specific needs , with variations in processing power , ____________________ capacity , and ____________________ .
Connectivity in computing involves the ability of ____________________ and systems to ____________________ and share information . Wired and wireless connections , such as ____________________ and ____________________ - ____________________ , facilitate data transfer between computers , peripherals , and networks , enabling seamless ____________________ .
Communication hardware encompasses ____________________ that enable data ____________________ . Network interface cards ( ____________________ ) , routers , and modems are examples . These ____________________ facilitate the exchange of information between computers and networks , forming the backbone of modern ____________________ systems .
Hardware troubleshooting involves identifying and resolving issues that ____________________ the proper functioning of computer ____________________ . This process may include diagnosing faulty hardware , replacing ____________________ parts , and ensuring all components work harmoniously to maintain optimal system ____________________ .
Units of ____________________ in computer hardware include bits , bytes , kilobytes , megabytes , gigabytes , and beyond . These units ____________________ data storage and processing capacities , providing a ____________________ way to express the volume ____________________ information that ____________________ can handle .
Computers use binary , a base - 2 number system , to represent data . Understanding ____________________ , hexadecimal , and octal number systems is crucial for computer ____________________ . Conversion between these systems is essential for ____________________ , data representation , and ____________________ communication .