New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
- What ? s the ____________________ ?
- I ? m ____________________ .
- ____________________ don ? t you lie down ?
- ____________________ you crazy ? We're in the ____________________ . I ____________________ ? t lie down .
- Then ____________________ ____________________ coffee .
- Good ____________________ .
- Would you like milk or ____________________ ?
- Just milk . ____________________ you .
- ____________________ the matter ?
- I ? m very ____________________ .
- ____________________ go to a ____________________ !
- I'm sorry but I ____________________ . I'm too ____________________ .
- Shall I ____________________ a pizza ?
- What a ____________________ idea !
- What topping would you like ____________________ your pizza ?
- Onions , olives and mushrooms and extra cheese ____________________ .
- What would you like to ____________________ ?
- I'm not ____________________ . Thanks .

- What's the matter ? ____________________ are you so ____________________ ?
- ____________________ dog is very ____________________ .
- Oh , I'm ____________________ to hear it . ____________________ be sad . ____________________ up . I'm sure it will get ____________________ soon .
- I ____________________ so .

- What's the matter ?
- Nothing really . I'm ____________________ .
- ____________________ go on a ____________________ .
- Unfortunately , I ____________________ .
- ____________________ ____________________ you ?
- I can't ____________________ on holiday until Christmas .
- Oh , I see . Then ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the cinema .
- It's a ____________________ ____________________ !
- Are you ____________________ in the ____________________ ?
- Can't we go in the ____________________ ? I'm working until 6 .
- Yes , ____________________ not ? How about 8 ?
- It's too ____________________ . ____________________ ____________________ at 7 .
- OK . Let's meet ____________________ .
- See you at 7 .
- See you .