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1. The woman lost almost all of her legal personality and could not enter into contracts.
su Lpersonalidad Lperdía LLa Lno Lcontratos Lcelebrar Ljurídica Lpodía Lcasi Ltoda Lmujer Ly
2. If the woman had bad behavior, the husband had the possibility of violating her or locking her in his house.
Si Smala Smujer Sviolentarla Ssu Smarido Stenía Sla So Sposibilidad Scasa Suna Sel Sde Sla Sconducta Sencerrarla Stenía Sen
3. Divorce could only be afforded to members of high society.
podían EEl Emiembros Ede Esociedad Ela Edivorcio Ese Epermitir Esolo Elos Ealta Elo
4. The woman could request to be sold if her marriage was going through a bad time.
mujer Lpasaba Lser Lpodía Lmatrimonio Lun Lmal Lmomento Lsu LLa Lpor Lsi Lsolicitar Lvendida
5. The woman wore a rope around her waist or hands to then be sold
alrededor LLa Lvendida Lde Lser Lla Lcuerda Lpara Lcintura Lo Luna Lmanos Lllevaba Lmujer Lentonces
6. If the wives had been unfaithful they were sold to their lover
sido SSi Ssu Samante Seran Svendidas Sinfieles Sa Sesposas Shabían Slas
7. Often a lawyer would make a receipt recording the transaction
recibo Cabogado Cfrecuencia Cregistrando Cun Cun Ctransacción Cla Crealizaba CCon
8. The sale of wives ended on good terms and was held in the nearest pub
La Len Ly Lculminaba Lmás Lventa Lel Lcelebraba Lde Lesposas Lbuenos Lpub Ltérminos Len Lcercano Lse
9. The matrimonial causes law of 1857 allowed a woman to protect her assets against any future claim by her husband
matrimoniales Lreclamo Lpermitía Lley Lsu Lparte La Lcualquier LLa Lsu Lfuturo Lde Lde L1857 Lmujer Lla Lde Lmarido Lcausas Lante Lpatrimonio Lproteger Lpor
10. The Married Women's Property Act of 1870 allowed them to have income separate from that of their husband
les Lpropiedad Lpermitía Lingresos Lcasadas Lde Lseparados Llos Lmarido Lsu Lde Lde L1870 Lmujeres Lley Ltener Lde LLa Lde