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Medicare covers people in the following categories:

Medicare Advantage

* Medically necessary provider services * Preventive services

Medicare Part C is also known as this.

Medicare Part A covers this:

The minimum age for Medicare



People enrolled in Medicare Part B pay an annual fee known as a _______.

* Part A * Part B * Part C * Part D

Medicare Part B covers these two types of services:

Medicare Part D covers this.


Medicare (Definition)

People enrolled in Medicare Part B pay a monthly fee known as a ______.

* 65+ * Blind or disabled * Permanent kidney failure/ESRD

Federally provided health insurance for older adults

Medicare Advantage Plans combine the benefits from these parts of Medicare.


* Hospice care * Home health care * Inpatient hospital care * Care in skilled nursing facilities

Medicare has this many parts

Prescription drugs

The different parts of Medicare include:

A, B, and sometimes D