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In the convection zone plasma rises as it heats up then falls

A solar prominence (also known as a filament when viewed against the solar disk) is a large, bright feature extending outward from the Sun's surface

In the core is where fusion of hydrogen occurs in the sun

A planets revolution is the slowest when furthest from the sun

Atoms are combined into heavier elements through the process called Nuclear Fusion

Hydrogen and Helium make up most of the suns mass

Sunspots are cooler than the plasma around them

According to Keplers first law planets orbit in a Ellipse

The "p" in Keplers third law stands or Orbital Period

A planets revolution is the slowest when furthest from the sun

Sunspots are cooler than the plasma around them

A solar prominence (also known as a filament when viewed against the solar disk) is a large, bright feature extending outward from the Sun's surface

In the convection zone plasma rises as it heats up then falls

Hydrogen and Helium make up most of the suns mass

According to Keplers first law planets orbit in a Ellipse

In the core is where fusion of hydrogen occurs in the sun

The "r" in Keplers third law stand for Radius

The "p" in Keplers third law stands or Orbital Period

The "r" in Keplers third law stand for Radius

Atoms are combined into heavier elements through the process called Nuclear Fusion