New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Interviewer : What do you like ____________________ England ?
Helen : I like the ____________________ . They are very friendly .
Interviewer : ____________________ don´t you like ?
Helen : I ____________________ like the weather . It´s too ____________________ for me . And the times are all ____________________ .
Interviewer : What do you ____________________ ?
Helen : Well , you ____________________ at teh wrong times . At my ____________________ school we have a ____________________ at half ____________________ twelve . But I´m not ____________________ then . In my country I eat ____________________ three o´clock and then I ____________________ a rest . Here ____________________ EnglandI have lessons in the afternoon , but I´m ____________________ and I want to ____________________ . And then everything ____________________ very early . All the ____________________ close at half past five and the restaurants ad the pubs ____________________ at eleven ____________________ or half past ten ____________________ night . But I love your ____________________ and English breakfasts ____________________ great .