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The Barroque Period

Is the name for the ____________________ period that ____________________ in ____________________ between the 17th century and the first century of the 18th century . During these ____________________ , there was a profound social , economic , political and religious ____________________ . Art was dominated by ____________________ vision of existence , and ____________________ were given great importance . In contrast to the idealism of the ____________________ , realism became the focus , with reality represented in a truthful and even crude way .

The ____________________ period in music developed between the years 1600 and 1750 approximately . It started with the appearance of ____________________ , and ended with the death of the German composer Johann Sebastian ____________________ . Here are the main characteristics of Baroque music :

- The predominant ____________________ was melody - dominated homophony , but imitative counterpoint was also used .
- It used ____________________ elements ( changes of tempo , dynimic and rhythm ) and overelaborate melodies .
- ____________________ music became just as important as vocal music .