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1. The prophet Zoroaster was the inventor of magic
fue Ela Eel Eprofeta Einventor EEl Emagia Ede EZoroastro
2. One of the kingdoms conquered by Darius was the Kingdom of Medes
los Uel Ude Upor Ufue UUno Uconquistados Ude UMedas UDario Ureinos UReino
3. Gaumata was a descendant of the magi, meaning he had magic
de Glos Gdecir Gtenía Gmagi Ges Gera, G GGaumata Gque Gmagia Gdescendiente Gun
4. The King of ancient Persia was Darius the Great
Grande Eantigua ERey EDario Eel EEl Ede Ela EPersia Efue
5. Darius the Great feared that the magi would end up taking control of all of ancient Persia
los Dmagos Dtoda DDarío Dacabasen Del Dtemía DPersia Dcontrol Dde Dque Dhaciéndose DGrande Dcon Dla Del Dantigua
6. Darius the Great decided to invade the Median Empire, and destroyed all existing documentation.
y Ddestruyó Dinvadir DDarío Ddecidió Dla DMedia Dexistente, D Ddocumentación DImperio Del Dtoda Del DGrande
7. JRR Tolkein focuses his magical stories on a geographical point called Middle Earth.
punto Jla Jun Jen JMedia Jcentra Jhistorias Jdenominado JTolkein Jgeográfico JJRR Jtierra Jsus Jmágicas
8. The island of Crete does not have any defensive system on its coasts, so it was the giant Talos who protected it.
La Lentonces Lera Lsistema Ldefensivo Lningún Len Lsus Lquien Lla LTalos Lcostas, L Lel Ltiene LCreta Lisla Lno Lgigante Lde Lprotegía
9. The magi professed Zoroastrianism
profesaban LLos Lzoroastrismo Lmagi Lel
10. Magic is secret power expanded, studied and used in a concrete way that those magical abilities could be produced almost instantaneously.
es Lpoder Lque Ly Lconcreta Luna Lsecreto, L Lmanera Lampliado Lde Lse Lproducir Lcasi Lpodían Lmágicas LLa Laquellas Lel Lmagia Lcapacidades Linstantáneamente Lutilizado Lestudiado
11. The magus were chosen through a designation chosen by a kind of magical arts where the candidates were found
candidatos Luna Lelegidos Lmagus La Lde Ltravés Len Lartes LLos Llos La Ldesignación Lelegida Luna Lmágicas Leran Lespecie Lencontraban Lpor Lse Ldonde Lde
12. Magician means one who possesses magician
Mago Mque Mmaga Maquel Ma Msignifica Mposee
13. Magicians were priests, kings or nobles who often carried a staff, with which they invoked their powers.
un Lel Lcon Lreyes, L Lbastón Lpoderes Linvocaban L Lque LLos Lllevaban Lmenudo Leran Lnobles, L Lsacerdotes Lo Lmagos La Lsus Lque
14. The choice of a mage is not based on the candidate's dynasty but on whether he or she has a mage.
La Lmaga Ldinastía Lno La Lse Lde Ldel Lbasa Lsino Lcandidato Lla Lsi Lde Lposee Lun Lmago Lelección Len
15. The wise men waited for the reincarnation of Zoroaster to return
Los Lretornara Lreyes Lmagos Lesperaban Lreencarnación LZoroastro Lde Lque Lla