New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . - You can't park there ! You might get a ____________________ .
2 . - I have to return these books . Can we make a ( n ) stop at the library ?
3 . - The cars are not moving . It's a ( n ) ____________________ ____________________ .
4 . - You must not ____________________ the street when the cars have a green light .
5 . - Lt . Lee parked his car behind the captain's car . The captain car is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the lieutenant's car .
6 . - What ____________________ when we are late for class ? Is there a report ?
1 . - She broke her bike . Now she can't ____________________ it .
2 . - I don't want to stop running now . I want to ____________________ ____________________ until noon .
3 . - There's a big ____________________ on this street . Three cars hit each other .
4 . - My friend fell on the ice , ____________________ his leg , and could not walk for weeks .
5 . - Why did he fall ? What ____________________ the fall ?
6 . - When a person needs help , she or he can call the ____________________ .