New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
I Maddie , what would you like ____________________ ____________________ / being when you grow up ?
M I'd like ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ in climatology .
I Really ? What does that involve ?
M You study the climate . You know , the clouds , tornadoes , hurricanes , things like that .
I Wow ! Why are you thinking of ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ that ?
M Well , I'm interested in ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ about global warming and how it's changing the weather , and I want ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ the
world .
I Well , I'm very pleased ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ that . I think doing climatology is a great idea . We all need ____________________ ____________________ / ____________________ more about global warming . Good luck , Maddie !
Hi Dermot . What are you going to do when you retire ?
D Well , I really enjoy to fly / ____________________ planes . I've always wanted ____________________ ____________________ / being a pilot , so I've started ____________________ ____________________ / taking flying lessons . I'm hoping ____________________ ____________________ / having my own plane one day .
I When do you think you'll get your own plane ?
D I'm trying to save enough money , but they're very expensive , so it's going ____________________ ____________________ / taking a long time .
I Which countries would you like ____________________ ____________________ / visiting first ?
D Well , I'm thinking of flying to northern Spain . I want ____________________ ____________________ / seeing my brother , Neil . He lives in Santander .
I Well , that sounds like a wonderful idea . Good luck , Dermot !