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how many phosphate groups are in atp

purpose of light independent reactions

the reactants for photosynthesis

Where light independent reactions occur

what atp stands for



purpose of light dependent reactions

what gives leaves their green color


stack of thylakoids


organelle where photosynthesis occurs

function of the stomata

three main factors that affect photosynthesis

the calvin cycle

upper epidermis

the products of photosynthesis

Where light dependent reactions occur

the waxy film on the outermost layer of a leaf

co2 and h2o (and sunlight)


the cuticle

3 phosphate groups

make their own food from raw materials and energy.

the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis

the process plants and other autotrophs use to create nutrients from sunlight and carbon dioxide.

helps protect the leaf by aiding in preventing water loss and providing an extra layer between the outside and inside of the leaf.

light intensity, carbon dioxide, and temperature.

consume producers or other consumers.


turn ADP into ATP and produce oxygen.

pore that controls the rate of gas exchange in the leaf and atmosphere


absorb light energy


build high energy sugars


adenesine triphosphate

glucose and oxygen